Remembering the Accused Witches of Scotland
Past Events
Raws has been incredibly busy this year with talks and Bookchats . See our lovely free Book chats on Youtube and what is coming next on Social Media
Wednesday 13 th ON Fife Local History Forum Kirkcaldy Auld Kirk 10:00 to 17:00
Thursday 12 th St Andrews Library Talk 18:00 to 19:00
“Where are the gravestones for those accused of witchcraft? There are none, or are there?”
Saturday 14 th Tatty Sabbats Market Kelty 11:00 to 17:00
Wednesday 25 th Dunfermline Family History Society 13.30
“Where are the gravestones for those accused of witchcraft? There are none, or are there?”
Wednesday 25 th Book Club via Teams Danielle Devlin “Burnt Offerings”

Friday 30 th Crail Museum & Heritage Centre
Crail Kirk Hall tea & coffee provided
“Where are the gravestones for those accused of witchcraft? There are none, or are there?”

Other events
RAWS have been giving a variety of talks during 2024
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